After succeed playing the first pandora game, I was ready to play another round again. Last time, I told my brothers about me experiencing Pandora Experience. Oh hoo, I received positive responses! I mean I didn’t expect they get interested into it too. My little brother asked me to play right away that day, but I refused because we cannot play unless we reserved it in advance.

In short, I booked Alcatraz in Kelapa Gading. This time, the player was my family.

The location is in front of Mall of Indonesia (MOI). It is not inside the mall, but independent small merchant complex: ruko (rumah-toko) in front of MOI. Since it is not inside the mall, the decoration is more serious. Just look from the entrance, it was like a prison entrance haha Even my parents said that the building looks scary.

I booked at 3.30PM but we arrived at 3.00PM. So we can go inside earlier that the schedule. Not like last time, this story I chose has 2 hours time limit. The price is more expensive, IDR 225.000. Even we got 10% discount, it is still expensive. Fortunately, Traveloka has promo for this escape room game. Since 5 players were playing, it costs IDR 160.000 per person. So here we go, the spoiler inside the toggle :p


Unlike S.S Poseidon which has espionage genre, Alcatraz has break out genre. The main protagonist was stuck inside the Alcatraz while investigating about the Blue Eyes monster. So, what we need to do is escape from that prison within 2 hours.

We started at prison’s cell. I saw toilet, bucket, and prison’s clothes. There is a locked door we need to unlocked there. We searched the key in the room but found nothing, so we split up, some of us climbed the ladder to second floor. It was a tiny room. I only saw shelf with a lot of plates and glasses. I found nothing. I saw something weird but I did nothing to it. There is a holder you need to rotate to open the hidden chamber. We found some electric cables and locked box.

Well, we waste a lot of time here. Because the riddles was quiet hard and ridiculous to understand. We need to cracked the code, it similar like Braille, Pandora’s own braille code 🙂 Even you cracked the code, nothing come to your mind. You have no choice other than asking the game master. There is an X and O, with two colors, black and red. At first we didn’t know which color to use. Because we only think about finding 5 digits letter to open the lock. We try to cracked it and stop till the first 5 letters. This was our mistake, we should have tried till the end. haha So ignoring the color, we cracked a sentence. That was the first riddle. The second one is, only care about the color, not the shape. You will see 5 letters. Honestly, we thought that was the answer to unlock, but its not! The game master asked us to see the postcard inside the box that we found when climbed the ladder at the first time. It was just a sentence. We thought something good, and we thought that was the answer. But its not! We gave up and asked the game master. He guided us again, and the answer was related to color. We were all mad. Because it was ridiculous riddle. Who possibly think about that?! You cannot solve it without asking! And there is no need to read the postcard either! useless!

Anyway, we had the key to unlock next room. We going down, and we opened the door. It was like a hook. Based on my experience, we need to drag and split the room. I tried but I couldn’t. We asked again 😀 stupid me. It was true that we drag and split the floor. The reason why we couldn’t do it is because we all sit down haha we need to stand, everyone of us need to stand up, then using our feet, we were able to split the room.

We found another room behind the cell. we saw another ladder. We climbed. owh, We found a electricity box. We need to plug the cables we found at previous room. It was easy. The riddles was easy even my little brother could crack it haha We plugged the cable right, but nothing happened. Oh we asked again. He said if we plugged it right, the lamp will turn on. I tried to tighten the cable, well that was a pure instinct of engineer :p And yeah, we saw the lamp at room below turned on. We were going down. We found locked door. We found some tool upstair to help open the door but we didn’t know how to use it :p My other brother, the tallest one, tried to open the ceiling door. It was miraculously opened o.o It just like in the movie haha Using the tool, He pulled the door’s lock so we could go through.

Inside, we saw some poster with timestamp. We believed it was for the PIN to unlock the automatic door. The older you are, the more complex you are thinking. We, the adult, couldn’t crack the code, but my little brother could crack what the timestamp mean. :p Okay, we found another room.

We found circuit breaker. I saw the code and remember that we saw the same symbol upstair. Two of us going up and help to shout what the symbol mean. First trial. nothing happened hahaha we skipped some step. We should decode the code on the wall first. It was quiet easy. We found a paper, an instruction to activate the circuit breaker. It was not difficult, but please keep in mind, you have to read it carefully from the beginning till the end. Read it word per word. Never miss one word, don’t skip any step. Thats the key 😀

We moved to the next room. It was basement. We found a lab. I saw some chemical rack, lab coat, etc. We found some files. We need to crack the code based on periodic tables. We skipped the step haha Actually we need to activate the UV light to see the code on the paper files, but actually, we don’t need it because we can still see it haha This code was to open another locked door.

Ow yeah, we almost finished. We saw the 15m long ladder o.o I read about this in many reviews. We have to climb the 15 meters ladder! It was quiet danger, so don’t make any joke while climbing, do it carefully and slowly. You can fall down easily.  It was farther than I thought. It was so tense and tiring.

Yup, we reached the top! the last room! There is a compass-like code cracker tool. And we found letters to crack. But we don’t have the key to calibrate the compass. The game master said that it lays on the wall. The way to calibrate it. But we have no idea :))) No one understand the meaning of it. And believe me, it was so ridiculous. Anyway, we calibrated it and knew the code to open the lock. There is a switch to activate the emergency signal.




We escaped in 1h 57m. Phew, that was closed!

I would give 4.7 of 5.0 , because of that ridiculous riddles haha I loved the story!

You should’ve tried it 🙂

Well Done Team!


Pandora Experience Kelapa Gading
