SpringBoot #1: Using AdminLTE and Thymeleaf
Intro For a developer who doesn't possess a designer brain, it must be hard to create an interface for your web. But, don't let that stop you from learning! You…
Intro For a developer who doesn't possess a designer brain, it must be hard to create an interface for your web. But, don't let that stop you from learning! You…
Preparation: Part 1 | Part 2 Intro In team project, it is better to have a dedicated server to synchronize all the developer team work. A small project which has…
Preparation: Part 1 Intro After preparing the cloud server for hosting your web application, next work is preparing database to store data. As mentioned in Part 1, I picked MariaDB…
Intro I don't know why I keep forgetting how to prepare development environment from scratch. Whenever I want to start new project, I always re-searching how to do it. So…
Jakarta, 28 Oktober 2018 Setelah beberapa tahun hiatus, akhirnya hari ini menginjakkan kaki kembali didalam ruang kecil di pojokan F4. Tempat yang kalau bisa dihindari, ya dihindari sebisa mungkin. Semuanya…